Research papers 


Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies eggplant as a regulator of germ cell development in Drosophila.
Sun Z, Nystul TG, Zhong G.
EMBO Rep. 2023 Aug 21:e56475.

Intracellular pH dynamics regulates intestinal stem cell lineage specification.
Liu Y, Reyes E, Castillo-Azofeifa D, Klein OD, Nystul T, Barber DL.
Nat Commun. 2023 Jun 23;14(1):3745.

A DLG1-ARHGAP31-CDC42 axis is essential for the intestinal stem cell response to fluctuating niche Wnt signaling.
Castillo-Azofeifa D, Wald T, Reyes EA, Gallagher A, Schanin J, Vlachos S, Lamarche-Vane N, Bomidi C, Blutt S, Estes MK, Nystul T, Klein OD.
Cell Stem Cell. 2023 Feb 2;30(2):188-206.e6


Fly Cell Atlas: A single-nucleus transcriptomic atlas of the adult fruit fly.
Li, et al. (Fly Cell Atlas Consortium)
Science 2022, 375(6584)


Distinct roles of Bendless in regulating FSC niche competition and daughter cell differentiation.
Tatapudy S, Peralta J, Nystul T.
Development 2021 148(22)

Intracellular pH dynamics regulates intestinal stem cell fate
Yi Liu, Efren Reyes, David Castillo-Azofeifa, Ophir D. Klein, Todd Nystul, Diane L. Barber
bioRxiv 2021.10.28.466337


A single-cell atlas and lineage analysis of the adult Drosophila ovary.
Rust, K., Byrnes, L.E., Yu, K.S., Park, J.S., Sneddon, J.B., Tward, A.D., and Nystul, T.G. (2020).
Nature Communications 11, 5628.


The follicle epithelium in the Drosophila ovary is maintained by a small number of stem cells.
Fadiga J, Nystul TG.
eLife 2019, 8

Drosophila Anion Exchanger 2 Is Required for Proper Ovary Development and Oogenesis.
Benitez M, Tatapudy S, Liu Y, Barber D, Nystul TG.
Developmental Biology 2019, 452 (2), 127-133


Wingless promotes EGFR signaling in follicle stem cells to maintain self-renewal.
Kim-Yip RP, Nystul TG.
Development 2018, 145 (23)


Neutral Competition for Drosophila Follicle and Cyst Stem Cell Niches Requires Vesicle Trafficking Genes.
Cook MS, Cazin C, Amoyel M, Yamamoto S, Bach E, Nystul T
Genetics. 2017 Jul;206(3):1417-1428.


Phosphorylated Groucho delays differentiation in the follicle stem cell lineage by providing a molecular memory of EGFR signaling in the niche.
Johnston MJ, Cohen S, Paroush Z, Nystul TG
Development. 2016 Dec 15;143(24):4631-4642.

Increased intracellular pH is necessary for adult epithelial and embryonic stem cell differentiation.
Ulmschneider B, Grillo-Hill BK,Benitez M,Azimova DR, Barber DL, Nystul TG
Journal of Cell Biology. 2016 Nov, 215 (3) 345-355.


A Pak-regulated cell intercalation event leading to a novel radial cell polarity is involved in positioning of the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary.
Vlachos S, Jangam S, Conder R, Chou M, Nystul T, Harden N.
Development. 2015 Jan 1;142(1):82-91.


EGFR signaling promotes the identity of Drosophila follicle stem cells via maintenance of partial cell polarity.
Castanieto A, Johnston MJ, Nystul TG.
Elife. 2014 Dec 1;3.

Enhancer-trap flippase lines for clonal analysis in the Drosophila ovary.
Huang P, Sahai-Hernandez P, Bohm R, Welch W, Zhang B,  Nystul TG
G3 2014 Jul 14;4(9):1693-9

Basolateral junction proteins regulate competition for the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary.
Kronen MR, Schoenfelder KP, Klein AM, Nystul TG
PLoS One. 2014 July; 9(7):e101085


A dynamic population of stromal cells contributes to the follicle stem cell niche in the Drosophila ovary.
Sahai-Hernandez, P and Nystul, TG 
Development 2013 Nov, 140(22):4490-8